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S52 series mechanical centrifugal recycler

The two-stage mechanical centrifugal vortex recycler with two-stage winnowing machine is selected, which is mainly used for the regeneration of recycled sand of resin sand and the removal of large particles of dust in the sand grains. Under the centrifugal force of the high-speed rotating rotor disk


The two-stage mechanical centrifugal vortex recycler with two-stage winnowing machine is selected, which is mainly used for the regeneration of recycled sand of resin sand and the removal of large particles of dust in the sand grains. Under the centrifugal force of the high-speed rotating rotor disk, the recycled sand is thrown to the wear-resistant retaining ring, and the resin inert film on the surface of the sand grain is removed by rubbing each other between the sand grain and the wear-resistant retaining ring and the sand grain. The winnowing machine adopts a flow curtain structure to ensure uniform flow curtain, remove inert film and dust in time, and obtain regenerated sand with extremely low fine powder.

The two-stage mechanical centrifugal vortex recycler with two-stage winnowing machine is selected, which is mainly used for the regeneration of recycled sand of resin sand and the removal of large particles of dust in the sand grains. Under the centrifugal force of the high-speed rotating rotor disk, the recycled sand is thrown to the wear-resistant retaining ring, and the resin inert film on the surface of the sand grain is removed by rubbing each other between the sand grain and the wear-resistant retaining ring and the sand grain. The winnowing machine adopts a flow curtain structure to ensure uniform flow curtain, remove inert film and dust in time, and obtain regenerated sand with extremely low fine powder.








